Friday, 28 January 2011

I'm back,with a hunter

Here I am again,back from all of this yet still busy with exams.
But,for the sake of this card,I give it some time to review it.

We all know that STOR TCG will be released soon and of course all TCG player would want to know what the TCG exclusives are.
For now I'm gonna do some review about a card that I think good enough to prevent your opponent from removing cards.

Chaos Hunter


"When your opponent Special Summons a monster, you can discard one card to Special Summon this card from you hand. Your opponent cannot remove cards from play."

When first time I saw this card,the first thing that crossed my mind is "wow,this card is awesome".
Being a Fiend, with level 7 means that this card can be used in a fabled deck(Leviathan anyone?)

Even if it used not in a fabled deck,this card can provides an instant wall and protection for your graveyard,
and a quick dandy/ debris dandy,this card can also provides you enough material for SSD(by discarding dandy then summon bulb in your next turn of course)

The negative part is that this card can only be special summon from your hand,not like Dragon Ice that can be special summoned from your graveyard,thus making it possible to discard itself.

Overall, 8/10

good card will make a great card if used by a good player afterall :)

I guess that's for today

I'm Blitxerg,and I end my turn :)

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