Monday, 21 March 2011

Dragunity, New Meta to TCG

Hello guys, we're about to welcome a new meta deck called the Dragunity, since there was many unique build using unique cards for dragunity, like their mixing the Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Engine so they could perform a fast special summon or others.

Today, I'm giving some tips and trick for Dragunity deck of my thoughts XD

Does everyone still remember the old archetype called the Cyberdark? yes it cyber dark, the old archetype from Yu-Gi-Oh GX! , using Cyberdark Horn, Cyberdark Keel and Cyberdark Edge , all of them have the same effect like Dragunity winged beasts , you could summon those cyberdarks to take phalanx from your grave, special summon it, and you got a level 6 synchro.

Basically this deck wasn't as fast as the pure Dragunity because with cyber darks you cant synchro Vajrayana like what you did when you summon Dux = Vajrayana and even Vajrayana = level 8 Synchro.

I've tried this build on my PSP with some friend and the result was quite good :D
and also, for the beginners who wanna play dragunity with low budget w/out using any expensive cards such as Solemn Warning or Pot Of Duality could try to use this build.

So Here are the lists , remember this deck isn't a top tiered deck, this was a troll-fun deck :D

Monsters :
2x Cyberdark Edge
2x Cyberdark Horn
2x Cyberdark Keel
3x Dragunity Dux
2x Dragunity Legionnaire ( Use 3 copies if you wanna abuse level 5 synchros )
3x Dragunity Phalanx ( well, the most expensive card here on this deck, you could also use 2 if you have problems with your pocket )
2x Dragunity Aklys
1x Dragunity Arms Laevateinn
1x Dragunity Arma - Mistilteinn
1x Dragunity Darkspear

Spells :
3x Terraforming
3x Dragon Ravine
2x Cards Of Consonace
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Dark hole
1x Book Of Moon
1x Foolish Burial
1x Giant Trunade
1x Monster Reborn
1x Overload Fusion

Traps :
2x Bottomless Traphole
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Trap Stun

Extra Deck :
1x Cyberdark Dragon ( HELL YEAH )
1x Brionac, Dragon of the ice Barrier
2x Dragunity Knight, Vajrayana ( you could also you use 3 )
2x Gaia Knight, Force of the Earth
2x Iron Chain Dragon
And other syncrho staples..

The main idea of the deck was only Synchro beat, yes level 6 Synchro beat :D

So thats for today,
Bye ~

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Trapless Chaos Dandy Dude Turbo

so firstly I'm a new member of this blog, and my first post is about my favorite deck decklists, this was an old style of diamond dude turbo deck im running, but this deck was trapless so it could perform maximum topdeckings.
So lets just begin with my Trapless-CDDT Decklist :D

Monsters :

2x Destiny Hero Diamond Dude
2x Destiny Hero Malicious
2x Caius, The Shadow Monarch
3x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
1x Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness
1x Tragoedia
1x Dark Armed Dragon

2x Ryko, The Lightsworn Hunter
2x Lyla, The Lightsworn Sorcerer
2x Effect Veiler

1x Elemental Hero Stratos
2x Card Trooper
1x Dandylion
1x Spore
1x Glow-up Bulb

Spells :

2x Pot of Avarice
2x Solar Recharge
1x Charge of the light brigade
1x Monster Reincarnation ( you could change this to Pot Of Duality :D )
1x Monster Reborn
1x mind Control
1x Reinforcements of the army
1x Dark hole
1x 1 4 1
1x Foolish Burial
1x Giant trunade
1x Destiny draw
1x allure of darkness

Extra Deck :
You'll just need 2 Formulas, 1 Shooting star, 1 Stardust, Scrap Dragon, TGHL, and other synchro staples :D

How to play : Draw whore + Swarm synchro beat, I tested this deck with Samurai, and the result was a 4 - 2 Win :D but on the AC i lost once to sixsamurai :D
A little reminder this deck wasnt built easy to side, cos you side out 1 card from this deck it will affects the others, :(

Results : AC using this CDDT , Ranked 17 :( Too bad I got a bad hand when Facing Felix Nata and Jonas
1st round vs Jonas ( Samurais ) XX , bullied easily , wasnt ready to fightback

2nd round vs Brian ( Samurais ) OXO , i lost to a kageki triple kizan beat on the second and on the third i won because of chaos :D

3rd round vs Hendry Wijaya ( Samurais ) XOO , Simply won with Chaos Sorcerer as my topdeck :D

4rd Round vs Felix nata ( Quickdraw Dopple ? ) XX, Lost due to super bad hands, i got bulb, Plaguespreader, and solar recharge w/out any lightsworn monsters on my hand.

5th Round vs Caesar/Seigi ( Zombie ) OO , I won on first with beatdowns using caius , and for the second round i got Shooting Star, Chaos Sorcerer, Scrap Dragon and Chaos Sorcerer for the win XD

oh btw, im not using Trago and Stratos on the AC, i changed it into some other cards like Dark Grepher and adding 1 more Ryko

Credits : Nicholas Mulianto ( Altus ) for the deck idea
Longlive DDT!

that's all for now :D bye bye

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Chaos OMG (OjaMachine Gun) Reloaded - feat. Debris/Hamster

In this article, I want to discuss about some "underrated" cards and how we can utilize them into a powerful one.

As we know, Ojama is just like a trash. Having no attack and very little defense points, this card seems to be irritating when this card reaches your hand. But, have you ever thought that this card can give you some advantage???

The answer is obvious, OMG deck (Ojama Machine Gun). This deck actually utilizes the effect of Snipe Hunter that can dump as many cards as you can to clear your opponent's field. By dumping a "strange" card such as Ojamagic, you can get 3 even worse additional cards in your hand. However, Snipe Hunter turns those Ojamas into a powerful ammunition which allows you to gain card advantages. Though this deck seems to be dead during a while (because the limitation of Snipe Hunter), now, we can use this deck's ability at full power.

Additionally, Ojamas are all LIGHT monsters, meanwhile, Snipe Hunter is a DARK one. Thus, we can also add support cards such as Chaos Sorcerer and other DARK staples such as Gorz or Tragoedia (remember you can have a lot of cards in your hand even though you dump it all the time because Ojama cards allow you to gain hand advantage)

Still don't feel satisfied? Don't worry, you can still grab synchro advantage for your Ojamas. Cards such as Junk Synchron and Debris Dragon let you perform synchro summon powerful monsters at no cost. Just normal summon them all and you can snatch the fallen Ojamas and turn them to a powerful monster.

What's more? You still can add "weird" cards such as Super Nimble Mega Hamster, Effect Veiler, or Thunder Dragon which permit you to gain even more advantage. Remember, Hamster allows you to set an extra monster (such as Ojama Blue) when it's attacked. Effect Veiler allows you to negate effect monsters, and also increase the number of LIGHT monster which means you can summon Chaos Sorcerer easier than before. Thunder Dragon also allows you to gain both hand advantage and graveyard advantage.

However, this deck has a crucial drawback. A single copy of Thunder King Rai Oh can ruin your strategy at all. Thus, you get to prepare monster removal such as Dimensional Prison, Raigeki Break (in accordance with Ojamagic), Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn Warning, or even usual Trap Hole or Smashing Ground.

Well, without spending much time, let's see the simple deck list:

6x Normal Ojamas -> same way as gadgets. Two sets are the most since you don't want to draw this card in your hand.
2x Snipe Hunter -> you can also put 3 copies, but 2 is the most efficient one.
3x Ojama Blue- > 3 is a must number since you will never run out of Ojama; thanks yo Pot of Avarice
2x Chaos Sorcerer -> utilizing LIGHT and DARK attribute from both Ojamas and Snipe Hunter; Having 3 copies is also possible since you can dump him from your hand to increase the amount of DARK monters in your graveyard.
1x Gorz -> a certain staple
2x Mystic Tomato -> allows you to summon Snipe Hunter without worrying about Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Junk Synchron -> This can allow you to synchro summon a level 5 synchro monster since it can revive any of the fallen Ojamas
2x Spirit Reaper -> Target for your Debris Dragon, Mystic Tomato, or Sangan. Also, this card helps you stalling when you get a hand full of Ojamas (the worst possibility).
1x Debris Dragon -> again, it helps you obtaining the fallen Ojamas, and allows you to perform synchro summon.
1x Tragoedia -> You don't have to worry that this card wil have a verly low attack points since you will get a lot of hand advantage over and over.

3x Ojamagic
3x Creature Swap -> swap your "trash monsters" such as Ojama Blue, Mystic Tomato, Sangan, or even Scapegoat Token to gain field advantage. The ideal example is like this: set Hamster, then your opponent will smash it without being able to kill it. Then, special summon Ojama Blue in your opponent's turn as a result of Hamster's effect. Afterwards, flip summon the Blue one and switch her with one of your opponent's monsters by using Creature Swap.
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Scapegoat -> helps you summoning stronger and higher level synchro monsters, and also Creature Swap target.
2x Pot of Avarice -> more hand advantage anyone?
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Giant Trunade
1x Book of Moon

2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Solemn Warning
2x Raigeki Break -> Kills this deck's enemy "Thunder King Rai Oh"; remember to dump Ojamagic to grab more advantage.
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute

Suggested EXTRA DECK:
2x Frozen Fitzgerald -> Ojama + Junk Synchron; having 2500 attack points is strong enough at a single card cost.
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x A.O.J. Catastor
1x Iron Chain Dragon -> Ojama + Debris Dragon

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

quasar + shooting?

according to shriek, quasar's effect can be used to special summon a shooting star when it is removed from the field.

Interdimensional matter transporter anyone?

have fun with quasar and shooting ,supported with kaiba's card :D

Monday, 14 March 2011

Tournament Report at Indonesia Asian Championship Qualifier

Last Sunday we held our 1st Asian Championship Qualifier at CL and there's about 50 participants who joined the tournament,and I'm one of them.
This is the first time I went to an AC Qualifier since this is the 1st one. Didn't get top 8 but manage to do some good duels tho.

This is my match:

Match 1 Vs. Ryan ( Macro Drain) 2-1
Game 1: He often summon cyber valley to stall and many survivors with macro but managed to win because he forgot to include cyber end in his extra deck causing him unable to summon his Sin cyber end. WIN
Game 2: Close one with 2200 and 1300. In the end he got 1 set card and I had 1 Fusilier and alius. Made a mistake by attacking with fusilier(chalice'd) and not with alius thus got cylinder right on my face. LOSE
Game 3:Pretty much went good he got nothing to counter my cards.Bad hand maybe? WIN

Match 2 Vs. Gregory (LS) 1-2
Game 1: JD for the win(for him,not me) LOSE
Game 2: Barbaros beat and honest win me. WIN
Game 3: 1st turn solar and lumina. No skill drain and all my siding didn't come out. Forgot to side nobleman for Ryko,thus I lose. LOSE

Match 3 Vs. Kevin W/Tri Edge (LSS) 2-1
Game 1: Manage to control half of the game then he got kagemusha and grandmas. turning into a POWER TOOL DRAGON and got dojo with 2 counters. Summon Yoriko and tuned it with PTD into LIFE STREAM DRAGON,got his life point restored to 4000 and I couldn't manage to survive with a 2900 beatstick. LOSE
Game 2: No more Life Stream Dragon or PTD , just a beat down and negate here negate there. WIN
Game 3: Shi En 1st turn and I set 3 cards. Next he summoned another Shi En, I moon got negated, he attack and got prison but negated only to be chained with mirror force. Got no resource and I managed to control from there. WIN

Match 4 Vs. Anton (LSS) 1-2
Game 1: He swarm the field. LOSE
Game 2: He managed to summon 1 Scrap Dragon and 4 back rows, but I got trunade and smashing in my hand plus draw an Alius. WIN
Game 3: I solemn'd his sword tech but he managed to get resource faster than me. LOSE

Match 5 Vs. Adam (Macro Monarch) 2-0
Game 1: He was unable to fight against chalice and lance. WIN
Game 2: Same as above. Chalice,lance,and oppression for the win. WIN

3-2 , didn't managed to get top 8 but got gold series from door prize.(yes, we had a door prize)

after all it is fun

Life Stream in a LSS deck is just awesome.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Good Luck in Asia Championship 2011 Guys!

just like Blitxerg stated in the previous post, tomorrow is a big day for Indonesian Duelist, since it's the day when the very first Official Tournament for Indonesia will being held in Colossus Card Center, Mal Ciputra, West Jakarta, Indonesia :)

well to tell you the truth i'm one of the committe that helping the EO, Yopi Effendy on organizing the Tournament, so i won't join the tournament. what can i do now is to cheer my 2 friends Blitxerg and Tri Edge to win the tournament for my sake LOL

anyway i also apologize for my absence from this blog for a long time because i'm too busy with my 3rd grade Senior High School final exam, and that will continue for around 2/3 month, so i think i still won't write for this blog untill i finish my Senior High School, thanks and sorry guys :)


Monday, 7 March 2011

Preparing for Asian Championship @ Colosus CitraLand

Yeah,so just like stated above,me and Kevin(tri-edge) going to join the Asian Championship at Colosus Card Center.

Located at Mall CitraLand and will be held at Sunday 11 March 2011

The winner gets the ticket to Kuala Lumpur to join the Tournament there.

I'll be reporting soon after the Tournament ended.

Hope we could make it :D